Signs Your Trees Might Need Professional Attention

Signs Your Trees Might Need Professional Attention

While trees provide many benefits, they are prone to diseases and pests that can threaten their health and structural integrity. Vigilant inspections of trees can help homeowners identify problems that require professional attention.

Signs that a tree might need attention include: cracks in the trunk, a lack of leaves, and fungal growth. These are all indicators that a professional arborist should be called in to assess the situation.

1. Dead or Decaying Branches

Maintaining the health and beauty of trees around your home is an important part of your landscaping design. However, these green assets can be susceptible to diseases and pests as well as hazardous conditions that threaten their integrity. Recognizing the key signs that indicate it’s time to call a professional tree specialist can protect the longevity of your plants and preserve the safety of your property.

Dead or decaying branches are an obvious sign that a professional assessment is needed as soon as possible. Fungus growing on the trunk is another indicator that the internal structure is rotting, which could lead to structural weaknesses and pose a danger to your property. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly, and seeking this service from a qualified specialist can ensure the proper care and maintenance of your trees. Additionally, regular inspections by professionals can help detect potential problems before they escalate, providing proactive measures to enhance the overall health and resilience of your greenery.

2. Abnormal Growth

Trees typically exhibit predictable growth patterns, so any deviation from the norm can be a sign that something is amiss. Unusually stunted growth, lopsided branches, or asymmetrical foliage could indicate structural weaknesses, pest infestations, or other problems that require expert intervention.

Structural issues like cracks and splits in the trunk can pose a risk to property, people, or animals nearby. Arborists are trained to assess the severity of these problems and provide corrective measures.

Roots support and deliver nutrients to a tree, so damage or disruption can have serious consequences for their health and stability. Watch out for signs of roots damage such as unexplained wilting or discoloration, mushroom-like growth, and sawdust-like material near the base. In some cases, a professional may recommend tree removal to prevent irreparable damage.

3. Structural Weaknesses

If a tree suddenly displays structural damage, it’s time to call a professional. Large cracks in the trunk or major limbs pose a clear safety risk and can cause property damage or injury to people nearby. A degreed arborist should be consulted to assess the condition and determine if the tree can be saved through bracing or cabling techniques.

Structural weakness can also be the result of serious pests or diseases that aren’t being addressed properly. Discolored leaves or fungus growth on the bark are signs that something is wrong and requires immediate attention.

Likewise, if the roots are growing too vigorously and pushing up the soil in areas where they shouldn’t be, it’s a sign that a tree needs immediate attention. This could be the result of a disease, pest infestation or other problem and can lead to significant damage or even failure of the entire structure.

4. Fungal Growth or Infestation

Harmful fungi lurk in soil, bide their time on new plantings and even hang out on pruning shears, awaiting opportunities to strike. They then exploit plant weaknesses, and once active, they can quickly spread through a landscape. Fungus can also invade buildings, where it often produces mycotoxins that can be inhaled by occupants. Fungal growth and infection are more common in certain regions, so it’s important to use savvy cultivation practices and effective fungal treatment to protect flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, shrubs and shade trees from disease.

Fungicides like Daconil prevent, control or stop more than 65 types of disease on flowering annuals, hollyhocks, roses, azaleas, fruit trees and evergreens when used as directed by the label. Apply as a preventive or at first sign of disease to avoid serious damage or loss.

5. Damaged or Weak Trunk

If a tree’s trunk is damaged, it can be a serious sign that its structure is weakening. Look for cavities in the trunk or major limbs, soft spots, cracks, and mushroom or fungus growth. These are all signs of internal decay that can make a tree unstable and dangerous.

If you notice one of these critical issues, contact an arborist from Tree Service Fresno right away. A professional will perform a full assessment and recommend the best course of action for your trees’ health and safety. The more you know about how to recognize the warning signs of your trees, the better you can ensure their continued vitality and beauty for years to come. By keeping up with regular inspections and maintenance, you can help prevent these common tree problems from becoming a threat to your property.

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